Already Occupied


Sat 10 May


Tattersalls Lane
Located between Little Bourke Street and Lonsdale Street.

In humour, language, and materiality ‘Already Occupied’ recodes signs of construction and safety to privilege an Aboriginal perspective.
Visual Art

Photo credit: Keelan O'Hehir

Already Occupied is an ongoing contemporary art project exploring Aboriginal sovereignty through everyday signage, such as traffic control signs. Hi-vis materials reveal an enduring language, as ochre and mud converse with synthetic polymers.

Star pickets, road cones, and signage are recontextualized to resist colonial occupation. Temporary installations on Country translate embodied performance into sovereign listening. Already Occupied has been exhibited through gallery installations, outdoor performances, and documented site-specific works incorporating film, photography, and sound.

Performance Details


Tattersalls Lane

Located between Little Bourke Street and Lonsdale Street.

Dates & Times

Sat 10 May 6-9pm


Free, no booking required


Image credit: Keelan O'Hehir

Image credit: Keelan O'Hehir



Libby Harward, Ngugi of the Quandamooka - Guwar/Jandai.

Libby Harward Libby Harward’s arts practice spans over 25 years, evolving from street and graffiti art to a conceptual practice that has gained national recognition. A Ngugi woman of Mulgumpin (Moreton Island) in Quandamooka, her work is an ongoing dialogue with Country - listening, calling, and understanding.

Standing only, audiences will see artwork involving conceptual street art from a laneway. Laneway leads to Section 8 for some free live DJ sets.

  • Wheelchair Accessible

    Wheelchair Accessible

Photo credits: Keelan O'Hehir