

Sat 10 May


Checker Box
Corner of Swanston Street & Little Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

Dzunuḵ̓wa is the wild woman of the woods. Stirring the Pacific Northwest forest depths and emerging from Kwakwaka'wakw oral traditions, Dzunuḵ̓wa is a legend amongst the people and a colossal, supernatural, and wily force.
Visual Art

Originally passed on through story to warn children away from the forest, her existence becomes increasingly challenged as the land is exploited by colonial forces; where will our stories go as the forest disappears?

Through movement and dance, this piece begins to reveal the cross-hatching of Dzunuḵ̓wa and urban life as her story bleeds onto the pavement of cities, even as far as Melbourne, Australia.

Performance Details


Checker Box

Corner of Swanston Street & Little Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

Dates & Times

Sat 10 May 7:30pm & 8:30pm


Free, no booking required

Dance and Visual Artist

Gwagwadaxla (Rayn Cook-Thomas), Kwakwaka'wakw.

Gwagwadaxla (Rayn Cook-Thomas) Gwagwadaxla (Rayn Cook-Thomas, he/him) is an emerging Kwakwaka'wakw artist who specializes in contemporary dance choreography and formline art.

Audience members will be standing.

  • Wheelchair Accessible

    Wheelchair Accessible

We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts.